See You Later Matty

 Hello Everyone 

               Before I start I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is having a great new year so far.

Back in 2022 I was chosen to be apart of a book launch and it was amazing. It got me back into reading which was something I once loved very much but kinda lost my love for so I was so happy to get it back. I wrote about my review and published it on my blog along with everywhere else I could. I feel book reviews can be helpful most of the time because everyone has a different way of understanding books and how they perceive it. This year I’m trying to read more books than I ever have. 

Even though I was born after the show Friends first came out and I didn’t start watching it until I got older, I still absolutely love the show. It’s one of my favorites and I quote it quite often. It’s my go to show when I need a really good laugh. I have been a fan of each main cast member from friends for a long time but I always loved Matthew Perry. I always thought he was a very good looking man. I am still very much affected by his death. 


For Christmas my sister gave me Matthew Perry’s book which is titled Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir and I finished it in about a day and a half. I could not put it down! I was a little worried about reading it because of the mixed reviews I had heard and how some said they would never see him the same way again. 

I’m one of those that when they feel, they feel strongly and deeply about it. The moment I found out Matthew Perry had passed away, I just froze and broke down. Before I give my review please know this is just my personal one so please be respectful of it no matter what you think. 

While I agree with those that I most likely see him the same ever again, I thought it was so very raw and so authentic. It was also definitely an emotional roller coaster. It had lots of ups and downs. He talked a lot about his struggles in his life that he dealt with and while reading it I felt as if he was talking to me personally which was one of the things I loved about it. I loved the beautiful foreword by Lisa Kudrow and I thought she did a terrific job with it. While reading it one moment I’m crying and the next I’m laughing so definitely very emotional in many ways. 

I will be completely honest and tell you that I do not think this book is for the faint of the heart but  if you feel you can handle it then please read it as it was a great book in my opinion but I’ll leave that up to you. Even though he had many struggles, I absolutely loved having his story unfold page after page right in front of me. I am most definitely not trying to paint him as a perfect person because he most certainly was not. Did he cause a lot of pain to others due to his addiction among other issues!? Why yes he sure did. Does that make him a criminal!? No it definitely does not. Did he have a lot of break ups!? Yes he did. No one is perfect. He was a very beautiful but unfortunately a very troubled human being who was not understood by all and was seeking something that I don’t think he unfortunately ever got. The moment I really started getting into the book and got to know him more was the moment I fell in love with Matthew Langford Perry 💙


I hope you read it if you are a Matthew Perry fan & I hope you enjoy my review.







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