God & Grief ( My Testimony )

Hi Friends!

               I can’t believe it’s April already! 

      I know I haven’t posted in a while but I have had a lot going on personally and just taken a bit of a much needed break.

        I know I’ve talked about it on here before but if you’re new in August of 2021 the day after my birthday, I lost my grandfather and I had a very special relationship with him so needless to say my world was turned upside down. The following April I lost my sweet Camille so that didn’t help as I was already majorly grieving the loss of my grandfather. I’m the type of person that when they feel, they feel very deeply and strongly about it. On April 5th was the second anniversary of the loss of Camille and this year will be three years since the loss of my grandfather in August on the 7th which is the day after my birthday. 

       Last month I was on instagram and a video from a page that I did not follow popped up. It was a video that talked about grief so I liked it. A few days later when I opened the app I seen I had a message from that exact page and the people who run it. I was invited to join their facebook group so of course I joined it because well they are just the sweetest people ever! I didn’t feel like just another member to grow their group or anything, I have felt so heard and my feelings were and are validated which is what I sadly wasn’t getting enough of. 

         I love that it’s a more Christian based approach which is important to me. The wonderful people that run it are based in Australia so it’s been fun to connect with them. A fun fact about me is that out of all of the different accents in the world , Australian is my top favorite so I definitely enjoy their podcast as well. Needless to say their accents are just a bonus! They have created such a wonderful community and I feel truly blessed to be apart of it. I believe that God truly does work in mysterious ways and that couldn’t have been more true in this case. 

        Grief is a different journey for everyone but everyone deserves their feelings to be validated and be very heard. While I know that I will always grieve over my losses and do my absolute best to keep their memory alive but recently I have realized that I am a whole lot further on my journey with grief than I ever thought possible. I know the grief will always be there and I will have my moments. I have to say that finding the right community and people to help you through this is definitely hard. I truly didn’t think in a million years that I would ever find the right help for me. Again I know everyone’s journey with grief is and will be different from mine so I can only speak from experience. 

    While I want to thank Ryan & Calie over at GoodGriefHQ for the wonderful support so far along with the support of the wonderful community they have created , I have to thank God the most because ultimately he is the one who put the right people into my life when I needed it the most and provided me with what I needed during a very dark time. 

     I am very proud to say I have reconciled my relationship with him after asking him back into my life, asking him for forgiveness and giving him my whole heart. It has been a major game changer for me. This has been going on for a little while now but I finally feel ready to share and will soon share more on that itself when I feel it’s time. 


      This is my personal journey and I have to give credit where it is due. What works for me might not work for you and that’s okay! If you are in the depths of grief like I was, please know you are not alone which I feel is very important to know! Please know that my journey with grief is still hard , I’m not saying it’s perfect but it’s definitely better than I ever thought it could be. Find your community because it is out there. Believe me I didn’t think one was out there for me but I found one. 

   Thank you for listening  🙏🫶










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