And Just Like That……….

 And just like that it has been two years since the world lost one of the greatest men ever. The man that the world lost was my grandfather. If you know me personally then you know that I had a very special relationship with him. It’s been very hard on my family and I. 

When I first started this blog I was not sure what I would write about because I have too many ideas. I’m one of the most random people you will ever meet and I love to write. I write about how I feel. This is one of the many ways I try to channel my grief and share my pain with the world. I’m not sharing it to gain sympathy but so others know that they are not alone. 

My grief journey has been quite the emotional adventure to say the very least. Most days I feel lost because I’m still so numb from the pain. I was watching a show the other day and they happened to be talking about grief. One of the ladies on the show was giving advice to another lady and she said the second year is always the hardest after losing a loved one. I can’t help but wonder if that was meant for me to hear and I truly believe it was. After thinking about it a lot, I have found it to be quite true.

My birthday will always be bittersweet and hard for me to celebrate because I lost him  the day after and well it makes it difficult. I know that he would want me to celebrate and be happy but it still sure doesn’t make it any easier. It’s funny how it’s the little things you don’t think you’re going to miss until they are just suddenly gone.  For me it’s my grandfather calling me to sing happy birthday to me even though he couldn’t sing very well at all. He always said he would have been a great singer if it hadn’t been for his voice. 

I get so sick and tired of when people think you should just automatically be over something especially a loss like this as if it had never happened.  Some people just are not meant to fake it until you make it like some are. Just because others are able to move on sooner does not mean everyone else is. When I feel , I feel deeply and this is something that irritates me. Something else that irritates me is when people don’t think losing a loved one is truly traumatic. Well do I have news for them because the trauma is there! Everyone’s journey with grief is different and some people just don’t understand that. 

I hope you enjoy this and thank you all for reading this. I love all of my supporters so much!





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