Taking Time For Self Care & Healing

 Hello Friends 


It has been a hot minute since I’ve written anything for my blog but it’s been for the very best. I still love writing on here so please don’t think that I don’t. I’ve been truly focused on myself because if I have learned anything at all it is indeed that self care is truly important especially during difficult times. 

Before I get into more in depth stuff about me  I want to share that my sweet Odie won a pet photo contest for one of our local papers which is The Dayton Daily News. His category was Best Caught In The Moment so he is now a celebrity and I could not be more proud of him 🫶🐾

This time away from blogging and less screen time overall has helped me on my personal journey of finding myself. While I am still on that journey because I have felt very lost, this break has helped me fall in love with things that I’ve missed. I have fallen all over again with reading books, learning to fully meditate and what works best for me to chill out, writing in my gratitude journal more, journaling personally , finding a love for classical music that I have discovered I have, deciding to keep my camera and learn more about photography, focus on my skincare which has been a crazy journey but thank goodness for my skin angel  helping me on that journey to getting my dream skin. I have fallen in love with my dogs even more than I ever thought possible as well.

While I have listed quite a few things that I have either learned that I love or have learned to love them again, I still am finding lots of things I used to love and I know I will continue to do that along with new things. 

This is what life looks like for someone who has felt so lost and so broken especially the last two years. This is what raw and real grief looks like. The waves of sadness come and go because that’s what dealing with anxiety and depression looks like but with time you will eventually learn to pick yourself up and dance with the waves again. That is exactly what I am  learning to do  💙🌊

Thank you for listening & I hope you are all having a wonderful summer 🫶





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