Thank You Mom


      I want to thank you for everything for the last 26 years.  Thank you for always being supportive especially when I decided to start my blogging journey. Thank you for all the advice you have given me. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for always listening especially when I need it the most. Thank you for braiding my hair and learning to help me with a new hairstyle. Thank you for always proof reading my blog posts to make sure they are perfect. Thank you for attending  events so I can meet my favorite sports players. Thank you for introducing me to the best music and movies especially the classics which are the best ;) Thank you for sharing a love in autographed memorabilia especially from our favorites. Thank you for letting me tell you about who I adore at the moment. Thank  you for helping me through this time of the depths of grief. Thank you for letting me send you all the memes. Thank you for allowing me to get the cutest dogs even if I didn’t have permission because I always say sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than it is permission. Thank you for always listening to me talk about sports even though it’s not your thing. Thank you for letting me help you choose what to wear because I love styling you. Thank you for always letting me help you design the way you decorate your home because it’s one of my favorite things. Thank you for letting me help you with your makeup. Thank you for letting me help you when you need it because it’s the least I can do. Thank you for being the best dog grandmother there ever was and spoiling my babies. Most importantly thank you for raising me to be the woman I am today. There are many many more things I want to thank you for but that would most certainly be a book or two at the very minimum. The one thing I want to thank you for the most is being my mom because I don’t think I could be blessed with a better one. I love you!

I want to wish all the moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day! If this day is hard for you, my heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers 🙏🩵





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