Steps To Finding Happiness

  I recently took a selfie of me with my naturally curly hair and absolutely no makeup or filters. My eyes are very blue but in this photo my eyes look gray. I sent it to my mom before posting it because I wanted a little reassurance it looked okay. She said it was a really good one of me but I looked sad in it. It was a wake up call for me as I have personally suffered with depression for a long time. 

 I’ve learned over time you have to do stuff to help yourself even if you seek professional help and it makes for much better results. Grief has taken me over ever since I lost my grandfather whom I loved dearly. I’ve also lost a few other incredible people in my life along with some amazing dogs. 

Some things that have helped me are to try hard to shift your focus on the what is instead of the what was but it is certainly not easy especially for me as I am still learning to adjust. I suggest finding a hobby that helps you take your mind. It could be anything you enjoy whether it’s taking care of a garden, becoming a plant parent, volunteering, writing, photography, etc. One of my things  has been healing for me is continuing to do this blog. Also I highly suggest getting into a routine as it helps tremendously! 

One of the people I lost and I miss dearly noticed me at a time when I felt invisible to the world.  That person had a phenomenal sense of humor and I think about him often. Along with my grandfather and my pets he will always be in my heart. Every time I start to feel invisible to world again then I remember what he told me. 

Depression sucks along with grief and it definitely is no joke. You truly never know what someone else is going through so just be kind because the world especially now needs so much kindness. I recently watched a movie and it was a great reminder to count your blessings each day even if it’s just one! 

If you are struggling with anything I highly recommend a gratitude journal because I have heard and learned that happiness begins with gratitude. I will add a quote below as I usually do! 

‘’ Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance’’ - Eckhart Tolle 

Have a great week & stay blessed  🫶




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