Saying Sorry Is Annoying
I know the title can give someone the wrong idea but for this specific blog post I thought it was perfect. I hope I am not all alone in this. I have done something for a long time and that thing is saying the words ‘’ I’m sorry ‘’. I just didn’t realize how often I did it or even why until recently. I recently asked someone why they think I apologize and they said it was a major effect of trauma. It is also referred to as ‘’ apologizing for existing ‘’. I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life unfortunately and it sucks majorly. Until recently I didn’t know how often I wasn’t aware of just how often and when I say often I mean often. It is as if those two words are the only words I know how to say. It is quite sad if I am being honest I know it’s annoying to those who know I do this. It’s something I cannot help. I was aware I had a lot of trauma but I had no idea it would cause this for me. I know the words ‘’ I’m sorry ‘’ doesn’t seem that bad to most but when you ...