Life Is Too Short So Enjoy It!

 I call this post ‘’ Life Is Too Short So Enjoy It!  ‘’ because it simply is very true. The past couple weeks have been extremely difficult for me as I navigate my way through what or I should say how I like to explain it as a huge storm of grief and I’m stuck in it. I am personally an emotional person and so when I feel things, I feel them deeply. 

This week I’ve really thought about how amazed I am how much you can miss someone. It doesn’t matter if you knew them your whole life or even just seen them for a few minutes every once in awhile. For me personally I miss people who were in my entire life until the moment they unfortunately passed away and some only for a short period of time but in the end it doesn’t really matter because I grieve over them just as much. 

Grief is simply not a one size fits all kind of thing. I’ve learned that some people really need to learn that in my personal experience with grief. Some may be okay and be able to just move one while others like me may still be what I like to call the depths of grief. If you have someone you know who is grieving please check in on them. 

While I didn’t come here to talk about grief, I mainly wanted to talk about how short life not to enjoy it. One of the examples that sparked this idea is a picture that my sister sent of my nephew in our family text group chat. It was a side by side photo from when he was little in his baseball uniform to him now in of course his baseball uniform for this year . I’m happy that he is healthy but that still doesn’t make it any easier to see him grow up in the blink of an eye. 

Many other things helped me come up with this but that was one of the main ones. If you are grieving my heart is with you. Also please try to remember to enjoy life as much as possible and try to stay present! 

I want to share a couple of my personal favorite quotes below before closing this out! 

‘’ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel ‘’ -  Maya Angelou 💛

‘’ Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop Look Around Once In A While You Could Miss It ‘’ - Ferris Bueller ❤️

Try To Relax & I Hope You Have A Fabulous Weekend 🫶


MS 💙


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