Time & The Little Things

Lately I have been personally trying to do much better about my time on social media because it was taking a toll on my mental health. When I opened up one of the apps I use I came across truly one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. I just had to share this beautiful story with you! 

There is an absolutely adorable lady named Pat who volunteered at Rush hospital over 25 years which is quite a long time. There also happens to be a beautiful certified registered nurse anesthetist to be exact but he also is much more than just that. He met her there at the hospital. As he got to know her better he learned that her late husband always got her flowers every year for her birthday. He decided to carry on the tradition by bringing her gorgeous flowers and a cake to celebrate. This year she will be 96 which is just incredible if you ask me. The wonderful man’s name is Mohammad and he is truly a wonderful person with the biggest most beautiful heart. While I have not met him personally or anything , I do follow him on social media and I find him to be very inspirational to say the very least. I am truly blessed that I found this story or rather that it found me which is how I choose to look at it. The phenomenally sweet story is amazing but I truly believe I was meant to see it. I was not only meant to see it so I can share it with the world but to be reminded that there still are incredibly wonderful humans out there in the world like Mohammad. Sometimes you find them when you are not even looking and it’s a really nice reminder. It helps restore some of that hope that you thought you had lost about people like this actually existing especially in today's world. 

In my personal life I have struggled and if I’m being completely honest I still am. If you are in a difficult season my heart goes out to you. Enough about me though now go find the adorable video on Worthfeed both on Facebook and Instagram. When you find it please be sure wish Pat a very happy birthday! 

Before I sign this I want to share a quote that I seen he posted that really spoke to me so I will post it below.

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back - Harvey Mackay 

MS 🤍


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