Spring Decor & Tips 🌷

I don’t know about you but I love to decorate! I have always found myself to be very creative so that has a lot to do with why I love it. It gives me the chance to show my creativity as I am always coming up with all sorts of ideas and I tend to want to get carried away. It can also be very overwhelming especially when you have ocd.   It can be hard when I decorate for each season because there are so many great options. I like to switch it up and add a theme sometimes. I feel like you have to shop early for everything especially decor that you are going to use for specific seasons or else you won’t usually be able to get hardly anything but that’s only if you are buying new pieces to add to your collection of decorations or if you are replacing old ones that you have had with fresh new pieces. 

A few tips I would suggest before you begin shopping for new pieces is to go through all of the items you have for the season you are decorating for and possibly shopping for just to make sure you don’t have pieces that can be reused.  If you reuse any pieces try to mix it up to make it look different if you don’t want to do the exact same thing. If you love home decor like myself it’s hard to let go of pieces from collections but it’s also nice having new pieces as well. Another one I want to add is to measure depending on what you are getting and make sure you have enough space for it too. Organization can be a big help too! I said something earlier about enjoying a theme. Well I do love a theme but I have learned recently that not everything has to have a theme. I try to find pieces that I can reuse which can be extremely helpful especially if you are on a budget! This year my spring decor for my mantle is some small glass flower vases and I put the floral arrangements I had in there when I used it for part of my decor a couple years ago. I definitely went through to see if there was anything that I could reuse from previous seasons and I found a few other things besides the vases.  The only things that I added to my collection was two dough bowls ( I love those! ) , a beautiful wooden cross and lamb , a set of faux carrots, cute dough bowl filler  which were cute personalized hearts and a cute sign. Everyone has different opinions on things so go with what you love! 

I hope this advice helps you & I hope you find some inspiration 🫢



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