The Word Love

In honor of Valentines Day being today I thought I would go ahead and publish this.  

The word love can be used in many contexts of how it is said. It can be shown in so many different ways. It can sometimes be scary when someone says that they love you no matter what type of relationship it may be. It can be a very scary word in general. I learned last year after reading a book that love is a word that wasn’t used when the person who wrote the book was growing up. I’ve also known people personally who were never told they were loved by their parent(s) and/ or grandparent(s) . It made me sad not only because it’s just completely sad but because it had heavily impacted the way they grew up.  It also has affected the way they raised their children. I believe everyone deserves to be told they are love by someone and really feel like they are as well no matter what. In 2021 I lost someone I loved very dearly. As I’ve been on my journey of grief , I have realized life is way too short. If you are blessed enough to have your loved one(s) still around please cherish every moment you can with them. 

I am a sucker for a good romantic comedy so that was my theme for Valentines Day decor this year. It included a banner that says ‘’ Love Actually Is All Around ‘’ which is a line from the movie Love Actually, three beautiful prints each defining a scene from the following movie’s Sleepless In Seattle, When Harry Met Sally and Say Anything. Of course I added a cute dog decor and pictures of my fur babies!

Before I finish this I want to add a quote that is from The Holiday and it’s about love. 

For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims.

May You Have A Wonderful Valentine’s Day 

Remember You Are Loved!





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