Rom - Com Movie List

 If you know me well then you know what a sucker I am for a good romantic comedy! You also probably know that I speak fluently in movie quotes. I am going to make a list and post it below. These are the ones I have personally seen myself and highly recommend! They Are Not Listed In Any Order Of Which Are My Favorites Because It’s Really Hard For Me To Have A Favorite. 

1. The Holiday

2. Sleepless In Seattle 

3. When Harry Met Sally

4. Sixteen Candles

5. She’s The Man

6. The Princess Bride

7. Say Anything 

8. Sleepover 

9. Book Club

10. Sweet Home Alabama 

11. Serendipity 

12. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

13. 27 Dresses

14. Life As We Know It

15. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

16. Pillow Talk

17. 13 Going On 30

18. Music and Lyrics

19. Nine Months 

20. Father Of The Bride

21. Father Of The Bride Part II

22. Just Go With It

23. The Other Woman

24. One Fine Day

25. While You Were Sleeping 

26. Love & Basketball 

27.  You’ve Got Mail

28. Pretty Woman

29. Two Weeks Notice 

30. Last Holiday 


I highly recommend you watch each one of these at least once! I hope they bring you some of the joy they have brought me. 





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