What Is Your Love Language!?

Before I write this whole thing I think Valentines day means more to me now than it has in the past because the last card I ever received from my grandfather was a Valentines day card. Of course I still have it and I will always keep it. I miss him more each and every day. He always made me feel loved! 

I would say my love language is gifts. While I absolutely love to receive them I truly enjoy giving them as well.  Sometimes it’s super hard when you get excited about the gift you sent someone if they live out of state and you don’t get any kind of acknowledgement to even let you know they received it. It’s also hard when you don’t see pictures of them with their gift even if you were given a list to choose from but sometimes you feel that their list of stuff gets repeatedly gifted so you decide to just gift something completely not listed. Even if you ask if they received it you may or may not get an answer. If you do get a response then it will be generic as if you are bothering them. They may not like it or they may get rid of it but at least you know you tried and that’s all you can do even if it does hurt your feelings. Whenever I send a gift I always use the tracking number to make sure it was delivered that way I don’t dare to bother those who basically shun you the best they can. I always feel like I have the ability to pick out a very good gift for someone. My mom usually always asks for my help when choosing a gift for someone which makes me feel good. Valentines Day is coming up so I thought I’d give some ideas on how to make someone’s day special for this occasion no matter who it is! When it comes to what to seem like small holiday to some whiles it’s huge to other. When it comes to holidays like this I personally like to do gift baskets and put the holiday theme on it but not go overboard. Depending on who it is for and what they like you could get a bag or basket ( your choice ) then fill it up with cute stuff. Some items could be their favorite candy, socks with their favorite thing on them, snacks that are heart shaped , book(s) , a fun super cute  mini waffle maker. There are so many ideas! You just have to know what the person you are gifting is interested in. You could always add a cute card or you could always mail its to them separately that way they are even more surprised. I feel like mail these days is just bills or junk, nothing to let you know you are being thought of or anything! If you do decide to do a gift basket I would recommend Target or the dollar store because you can usually find a lot of stuff for a whole lot less. Even if you don’t decide to do that I highly encourage you to send someone a card even if it’s not Valentine’s Day themed just to let them know they were on your mind. 



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