Book Review ( Oceans World )

 Awhile back I was on the launch team for Carlos & Alexa Penavega’s book called What If Love Is The Point? Well now I’m on the launch team for their new children’s book called Ocean’s World : An Island Tale of Discovery and Adventure. While I do not have children of my own I am an aunt to four beautiful and wonderful children. I read the book and it is incredibly adorable. It has phenomenal illustrations with such amazing colors. It includes Hawaiian words which I think is super cool because while  it’s a super cute and fun book it is also educational. I also think it’s cool for any child who was born in Hawaii or even anywhere not too far from the beach.  I truly think as children have this read to them or read it themselves it will spark their imagination like childrens books should. I believe it will encourage them to go on their own adventure wherever they live and want to play outside. In today’s world we see a lot of children who are playing on tablets or some other type of electronic device instead of getting outside and getting some fresh air. I personally think it’s important for kids to get outside at least for a little bit unless the weather gets in the way of that. In my personal opinion I think this book truly is wonderful for children and very well written. It would make a fabulous gift for anyone who has children or even for your future children. The Penavega’s nailed it with this adorable book that involves their children who are absolutely the cutest by the way!!! I truly am obsessed with the illustrations as they are phenomenal like I said earlier. I am incredibly blessed to be on the launch team for another book by the Penavega’s. I am such a huge fan of theirs so it’s quite an honor. Do yourself a favor and pre order this book! It releases on October 25th. 




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