What If Love Is The Point?

 I was blessed enough to be chosen to be apart of the launch team for Carlos & Alexa Penavega’s new book called What If Love Is The Point? I started reading it yesterday and I finished it late last night. It was too good to stop. I have not read a book in a long time but since I have been a huge fan of theirs for years I immediately knew I had to sign up to be apart of their launch team. I grew up in church especially since my grandfather was a pastor. When his health started to decline and he no longer could attend church it made it very hard for me to go because every time I would go I would picture him sitting in the chair that was his on the stage. It did not have his name on it but it just was a known thing to most that it was his chair. I could see him raising his hand and praising while he was sitting in that chair. Unfortunately last August the day after my 25th birthday he passed away. Since my birthday was on a Friday I had a weekend planned with cute outfits and a birthday dress. I even had my cake planned months in advance from my favorite bakery. All the plans came to a pause because we got word he wasn’t doing well at all. We all knew it was a matter of time. I spent time sitting next to him holding his hand and even though he wasn’t awake I knew he could hear me. Even though no one truly knows when someone is going to pass on  except for the lord of course. They kept telling us he is holding on for something and some of my family members were just like I have no idea what he is hanging on for. I truly believe with all of heart that he was holding on until my birthday ended  to go be with Jesus. Ever since then I have been in a very dark place as much as I truly hate to admit it then some other things happened I lost sight of my faith and let me tell you the depths of grief can sometimes make you do that. It’s also really hard to keep the faith when you feel like you don’t have much support, when you have people tell you stuff you have heard and are tired of it all. It irritates me when people try to tell you they know the pain you feel when it really comes down to it they have no idea the amount of pain I am in! You get tired of them comparing everything. That is a real test of faith!!! When I seen the title I knew I had to read it because that alone had me sold but after reading it from start to finish yesterday it truly was so moving and quite inspirational for me. So raw and authentic but yet so fulfilling  πŸ€πŸ™πŸ€πŸ™πŸ€πŸ™πŸ€ If you are in a difficult season I highly recommend you pre order this phenomenal book and I hope it encourages you to reconnect with your faith that you have lost sight in as it has me. 🀍🀍🀍🀍 


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