Give Me All The Shoes

If you love shoes as much as me then I hope you will enjoy this post. I personally love shoes so much. There are so many different kinds, although I personally love sneakers and sandals the most. However I’m not opposed to other kinds that is just what my normal go to shoes are depending on the weather of course. My go to shoes lately have been my white slip on Vans . I also have been loving my Teddy Birkenstocks ( Not everyone loves them, I know ) but I saw a Instagram blogger I follow & love whose name is Bre Sheppard wear them so I immediately had to have a pair. Shoes truly can pull an outfit together or they can pull it apart in my personal opinion. Everyone has different taste which fascinates me in a way because there is always going to be a debate  on certain brands and styles. Every time I go into a store it’s very danger for me to go to the shoe department because I could spend hours there even if I don’t buy even one pair. I love to look and get ideas for outfits like for an event or special occasion coming up! Recently though I have been on the hunt for a good pair of sneakers that will be great for working out but also very supportive as well. I’ve done some research and there are a lot of different brands. If you know of a good brand of very supportive yet comfortable athletic sneakers that you have tried and truly love please let me know. Also I want to know what are your favorite shoes are! It can be any shoes not just sneakers. I can’t help but wonder how many pairs I’ll end up with once I find some new favorite(s) 




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