Holiday Feelings
Hi Friends! The pain of grief has hit me harder than ever this December so that’s why I haven’t posted lately! I know I will always struggle with it but I have found it hitting me harder than ever this time of year. I have struggled to find my love for decorating for the holidays this year but I did indeed decorate. I’m the type of person that when they feel something, they feel it deeper so when emotions arise from my personal feelings from all of the grief then I find it more complicating. I’m glad some people are able to just simply move on from a loss but I most certainly am not one of those and I will continue to be vocal about my grief while not being ashamed of it. In the midst of all the chaos of grief not to mention the typical holiday chaos I find myself getting wrapped up watching a good holiday movie to cheer myself up with my dogs who are my world. If you know me then you kno...