Take The Break You Need
Hi friends! Exciting things have been happening. One of them is that my blog has reached over one thousand views and counting which is huge! Before I go on I just want to say thank you to each and everyone of you who reads my blog as I work very hard on each post. I appreciate your support more than you will ever know 🙏 This weekend I made a decision that it was time for a break so I packed a bag or two ( you never know what you might need 😉 ) and head to Indiana for a quick overnight visit along with my dad, since that’s where his side of the family lives. Even though it was quick I still had the best time. I did lots of laughing, I found some new shows I love to watch, I fed fish in a beautiful pond for the first time which was fun for me, I seen a pecan tree, a persimmon tree and a pear tree along with some gorgeous colorful flowers. I know that may sound silly to some but when you find new things you enjoyed learning about it’s exciting. I also am n...